RIVA APPLIANCES PVT.LTD Raw water is chlorinated or Ozonated to oxidize the organic impurities
(kill bacteria and virus). This water is passed through Multi Media Filter
with the help of Feed pump of suitable capacity to remove suspended
impurities followed by Activated Carbon Filter to remove excess chlorine
(de-chlorination), odour, colour and turbidity due to colloidal suspended
impurities and organic impurities.
De chlorinated water is then dosed with Anti Scalent Solution to avoid
scale formation on the membrane or passed through Softener to remove
hardness. Softened water is further passed through 10-micron cartridge
filter to remove micron particles to avoid clogging of the RO membrane and
to improve the silt density index. Water further passed though RO Unit which
is complete with High Pressure Pump, Membranes with Pressure tubes,
Electrical control panel and wet panel, piping with valves and all the
required accessories viz., pressure switch, solenoid valve etc. Reverse
Osmosis unit will reduce the dissolved Salts up to 95% of the In feed TDS.
Treated water from RO unit will be stored into SS tank.
This treated water is then passed through 0.2 micron cartridge filter
before it is taken for the filling. Ozonator unit producing ozone gas is
installed in series at the outlet of UV System to provide residual effect of
ozone to the water.